

Our Early Years Curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation for your child’s future learning, including developing a positive attitude to learning. In giving your child a broad range of knowledge and skills we lay the foundation for excellent future progress throughout their school and life.

To make this happen, learning and development opportunities are planned around your child’s specific needs and interests and regularly assessed and reviewed. Adults respond to those needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interactions in an encouraging, stimulating and a well-resourced indoor and outdoor environment.

In the Reception Year, it is the adult’s role to extend and provide further challenge to your child’s learning. Here we seek to initiate and offer great depth to your child’s experiences. Our staff skilfully interact and sensitively scaffold, support and enhance your child’s knowledge, skills and understanding. In addition, we help them to develop their thinking through their participation in activities and with the skilled involvement of our staff. 

We meet your child's needs by: 

  • caring for the ‘whole’ i.e. your child’s health, both physical and mental, their feelings and their thinking and emotional development 
  • ensuring they have the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to achieve success and to build a thirst for lifelong learning 
  • teaching the foundations of reading, writing and maths that will develop basic (essential) skills and to enable them to access the wider curriculum
  • providing a stimulating environment, indoors and out, with many opportunities to be curious, ask questions and to be eager to discover and learn 
  • providing opportunities, time and space for them to pursue their own interests, and time to interact and share with others 
  • providing opportunities for them to make choices and decisions to develop their independence 
  • providing ethnically and culturally diverse experiences including resources and stories which reflect different cultures and values 
  • creating a purposeful atmosphere, where teachers can focus on teaching and pupils on learning 
  • working closely with you, the parents/carers and respecting the fact that you are experts in the knowledge of your own child. 


The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a statutory assessment from September 2021 onwards. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between Reception and the end of primary school.

Information for parents can be found here.

At the end of the year, pupils are also assessed against the areas of learning as outlined above.

Early Years Framework

Early Years Framework

The content of the curriculum will be based around these areas of learning:

Communication and Language

  • Listening, attention and understanding
  • Speaking

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Self-regulation
  • Managing self
  • Building relationships

Physical Development

  • Gross motor skills
  • Fine motor skills


  • Comprehension
  • Word reading
  • Writing


  • Number
  • Numerical patterns

Understanding the World

  • Past and present
  • People, culture and communities
  • The natural world

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Creating with materials
  • Being imaginative and expressive

Your child will learn through: 

  • Playing and exploring 
  • Learning actively 
  • Creating and thinking critically 

Learning Activities

Learning Activities

In the Foundation Stage teachers make professional judgments about the balance between activities led or guided by adults and those led by the children. This balance will shift towards more activities led by adults as children move from early years and towards Year 1.

Learning activities will include:

  • Daily phonics, maths and literacy lessons
  • Cooking 
  • Nature Detectives (outdoor learning) 
  • Circle time 
  • P.E. indoors/outdoors 
  • Arts and crafts 
  • Role play corner/activities 
  • Sensory table 
  • Carousel of activities in reception (to support focus work) 
  • 1-1 reading 
  • Guided reading 
  • Regular writing challenges 
  • Exploration of technology 
  • Regular maths and literacy opportunities 

At Lakelands Primary School, we believe that reading is the key to unlocking learning across all other areas of the curriculum. It is for this reason that we have adopted a book-based curriculum. We have selected a range of high quality texts that we use as a starting point for each topic. After initially exploring the book, we then ask the children to help us plan their learning according to their interests.