
Curriculum Overview

At Lakelands Primary School, we are committed to teaching a broad and balanced curriculum that is stimulating, motivating and encourages pupils to become independent and aspirational learners.

Our curriculum is underpinned by research evidence, cognitive science and is vocabulary focused. It aims to equip pupils with the technical language required to talk about their learning in a precise manner, across the curriculum. From Years 1 to 6, knowledge organisers are used to support vocabulary development.

Each curriculum area is taught discreetly so that the integrity of each subject domain (e.g. science, history, geography) remains intact, with pupils learning skills that are specific to each subject. Each unit of has been mapped purposefully with authentic connections based on prior learning or act as building blocks for future units. In this way, the spiral curriculum allows for units to be revisited. For example, pupils learn about Brazil as a comparison study in Year 3, which is a building block for when pupils study natural resources and trade in Year 6. Another example is when pupils learn about Mary Anning in history in Year 2. This will provide the foundations for pupils learning about fossils and evolution in science in Year 6.

Pupils access mini-quizzes at regular intervals within units of learning thus challenging them to recall their learning. Research shows that both the ‘spaced practice,’ and ‘retrieval practice,’ embedded within the curriculum, enhance pupils’ learning.

The curriculum is inclusive and encourages exploration of various cultures, perspectives and raises awareness in children of issues of human rights, justice and equality in society. Diversity in all its forms, including race, religion, gender and dis/ability is interwoven throughout the curriculum.

The school motto, "Be the Change" and the values of mutual respect, positive relationships and helping others underpin the curriculum and through it, our pupils will learn to be responsible global citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to be forces of positive change in the world. 

A few examples of how this is evident include:

  • Art - study of artists who are disabled, LGBTQ+, from various cultures and backgrounds
  • PSHE/RSE - identity, mental health and wellbeing, challenging sterotypes, families
  • Geography - sustainability and climate change, challenging sterotypes through comparison studies of cities around the world
  • History - study of past events and the impact of these on different groups of people, significant people from diverse backgrounds who embody the school motto, "Be the Change"
  • English - purposefully chosen texts that reflect our pupils and different groups of people. More information about our texts can be found here

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and Framework is discussed in more detail on its own dedicated web page. Please click this link for more information.

The delivery of our curriculum is quality assured using the school's Teaching and Learning Framework (ACED). 


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